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时间:2024-05-24 07:36:04 日记 我要投稿






  Yesterday was my happiest day. Because I go swimming, I can swim to the end in one breath. Before, I could only swim to the escalator, only about 10 meters. This time, with my mother's encouragement, I have confidence, I have done more standard actions, I am not nervous in the water, and finally I swim to the end. Yeah! My mother and I clapped to congratulate us on our success! Finally, my mother gave me a reward, I am very happy!



  One day, dad got a lot of fish and said to grandma, "eat fish tomorrow."


  The next day, grandma picked two big and fat fish, scraped the scales off the fish, cut the belly of the fish with scissors, took out the internal organs, dug up the gills of the fish, and then washed the fish in the water. Suddenly, I saw a fish's mouth move a few times. I didn't expect that it was still struggling. The vitality of the fish was too tenacious.



  Early in the morning, before we got up, grandma called us back and said that it was Dad's uncle who was coming. "Mommy, what's my name, daddy's uncle? Am I uncle?" "little fool, your name is uncle! Get up soon, your uncle will be here soon!" after washing, it's time for us to meet the guests!



  At noon on Sunday, my uncle and I went to play in red stone park.


  We all need to play hoops, my uncle agreed.


  After a while, I got two geese of different colors, my brother got a big bottle of sea creature ball, and only my sister got a rubber Mantis nearby.


  In the afternoon, we are happy to go home!



  This summer vacation, my parents and I went to the ancient Badaling Great Wall in Beijing.


  We started from the bottom of the mountain and began to climb up. I struggled to climb. Half of the way, I was a little tired. After a rest, I started to climb up again. "If you don't get to the Great Wall, you're not a hero," I said as I climbed As I walked, I saw the scenery, and unconsciously arrived at the beacon tower. I stood on the beacon tower and shouted, "I am a hero!"


  I am very tired, but I am very happy, because persistence is victory.



  Today, my friends and I invited to play basketball. Basketball is a dangerous sport because there will be many collisions between us.


  When we were fighting fiercely, I bumped forward hard, and he fell down and wiped blood on his elbow. I was a little flustered at that time. I immediately helped him up and said sorry. We didn't make any noise. In this way, our friendship lasted for a long time.



  Today is my first time to get a little flower. In the morning, the teacher asked us to write our math homework. I did not only have one problem but also made no mistakes. I settled the last two problems with two solutions. The teacher praised me and said that I was a good student who liked to use my brain. I'm really happy today.


  今天是我最难受的一天了。今天我吐了7七次。还扎了3次针。早上的时候吐了两回。 每一次呕吐,吐的我很难受。吐出了三回胆汁。今天扎的针分别是两回小针一回输液。先是张的`小针,然后又输液。输液的时候吐了两回。输完液的时候又吐了一回。到下午的时候,又发了烧。又到徐楼卫生室打了一个小针。打完小针的时候我昏昏沉沉的。我到家,然后我就睡觉了,晚上的时候又吐了一回。每一次呕吐,吐的我很难受。吐出了三回胆汁。今天可以说是我最难熬的一天。

  Today is the worst day for me. I vomited seven times today. Three more stitches. I vomited twice in the morning. Every time I vomit, I feel sick. He vomited bile three times. Today's needles are two small needles and one infusion. First, Zhang's small needle, and then the infusion. I vomited twice during the infusion. I vomited again after the infusion. By the afternoon, there was another fever. I went to Xu Lou's health room for another injection. I was in a daze when I finished the injection. I got home, and then I went to bed and threw up again at night. Every time I vomit, I feel sick. He vomited bile three times. Today is the hardest day for me.



  From yesterday, the light rain on the next non-stop, until noon, finally stopped. Listen, the north wind howling here makes people tremble. It's changing. The weather forecast says there is still light snow today. The weather is so bad that everyone is afraid to go out in the room. Look, grandma Zhang next door has bought vegetables. Her frozen nose is red and her lips are purple. Watch TV at home and have some hot tea!



  Today, we went to see the work of turning waste into treasure. There were so many people there. I fell in love with Chen Ziqi's work and wanted to see it carefully. But there were so many people there that I was squeezed into pie. I finally saw that she made a small mirror and bag for Barbie doll.


  I also saw a lot of works, I like them very much.


  20xx年3月20日 星期五 天气晴

  Friday, March 20, 20xx sunny


  Today, just after washing, my mother asked me, "can you read English?" I said, "yes." My mother told me to memorize it, but my English book couldn't be found, so my mother was very angry. Later, my father came, and my mother asked my father to go to the car to get the English film. Just then, the English book was beside the film, so my father was very happy! The mother who showed her the first volume of grade 3 said it was taken home for reading.



  All of us have our own tricks. I'm the best. That's the number one and the number two. Not many people can. That's playing the piano.


  First of all, you have to recognize all the notes on the staff, and understand the duration of each note, so that it is easy to play. But not without practice.


  I remember when I first played the piano, I was full of mistakes and omissions. Others play music that makes people feel as if they are in a fairyland, and listen to the music as if they are pregnant. The music I talk about doesn't shatter other people's eardrums. I remember one time when I was playing a very winding paragraph, it was not good. The teacher asked me to play it all the time. I played it all the time, a little impatient and a little angry. But what can I do with anger and impatience? I have to play this part repeatedly.


  Looking at the notes in the back, they are like elves, jumping around, making me a little bit uncontrollable and want to play the content behind. But if I haven't talked about it well before, isn't it not that it's hard to listen to the music when I'm playing it. Therefore, I insist on practicing where I am lacking, and strive to pop up a beautiful and beautiful music.


  Just because I'm good at it, I've got excellent results in this summer vacation.


  20xx年xx月xx日 星期x 天气x

  Sunday, x x, xxxx weather x


  Today, I don't like the spinach soup made by my father when I have supper. I want to spit out spinach. My father said, "eating spinach is nutritious. Only if I don't pick on food can I grow fast and strong.". Listen to my father's words, I think it makes sense, so I eat all the spinach in the soup. I think I want to be a little tree in spring.



  I don't know what day it is today. Before it gets dark, many shops light up their door lights, and the street lights also light up. I looked, let these lights accompany me to do my homework.


  When I write it, I forget the time, and it's dark unconsciously. I do my homework as usual. When I've finished writing, I'll pack up my books. Open the window. It's dark outside. I can't see my fingers. The lights are off all over the city.


  Leave me alone, light a lamp and read.



  In the season of singing birds and fragrant flowers, my family has a group of elves playing. This is the beautiful Wisteria.


  Wisteria is beautiful. Clusters of flowers hang down from the shelf. They are arranged in order. The petals are crystal clear, and the silk is clear. Some of them are already in full bloom. The petals are fan-shaped, and the color is very layered. The outside is lavender, almost close to white. The more purple the inside is, the peeling off of the petals reveals the pale yellow pistil. There are purple flowers all over the body tightly held together, only as big as a little thumb....... It's really one posture after another, but it's all so pure and beautiful.


  I love my mother and Wisteria forever!










