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时间:2024-05-08 09:13:40 书信 我要投稿




Hi, Janet,

  I am xx, Jacky's mother. I do appreciated very much that youtalk to us about our kid today, thanks very much for your caringfor him with so much love.

  Our families have been here since March 15,20xx, it's the firsttime for us to e to the US, and with different language andculture, it's quite challenge to us three. While it's very luckyfor us to meet with the Faith preschool and we believe in you allvery much.

  Before Jacky went to the Faith preschool, I worried about him verymuch. However, during the past 4 days, we are surprised to see thathe is willing to go there every morning; and he seems very happyevery afternoon. It surprised us very much.We think, eh, he likesthe preschool. Thanks for what you have done.

  When we were in China, Jacky went to a preschool with the spirit ofMontessori and Waldorf since 3 years old. All teachers in hispreschool are full of love, they treat child with love&respect, but with some necessary rules. He learned the meaning ofwaiting, to be friendly with others and care for other kids who areyounger than him.

  Jacky is a child who can concentrated on what he wants to do, whileif you ask him to do some other things at that time, he will not bewilling to. Also he doesn't like to be obliged to do what hedoesn't want to. He is a slow type of child so that he will needmore time to participate in collective activities with otherchildren. He will observe the environment for a long time and thenmake decisions.

  Jacky's father is a gentle man and is tender to Jacky. In ourfamily, we love him very much and always give him hugs andencouragements. And we have never thought that he could kick theteacher in preschool, for he is a peaceful boy in his mind. Jacky'sfather and I talk about the issue and we think that the most reasonfor him is the language gap and the new environment. Maybesometimes he does not want to participate in the collectiveactivities while the teacher requires him to do so. He don't knowhow to municate with teacher and the environment is all new tohim. In brief, he has not built the reliable relationship with histeacher. Please give him more time, as you described for us, he ismaking progress day by day, and it's only 4 days passed.

  From our observation, sometimes he does grab toys from otherchildren, but not always. Sometimes he will waiting or ask. We willteach him to say "please" and "May I...", we wish that he couldmake much progress in this aspect with the help from both theteacher and us.

  Thank you again and if there is any problem, please let us know atfirst time. We do appreciate for your munication.

  Wish you a happy weekend!











