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时间:2024-05-24 16:41:24 童年 我要投稿





  Childhood like a boat, carrying our childhood joys and sorrows, slowly flowing in the clear river water. Childhood is like a large vineyard, the grape is our childhood childhood story, hanging on the shelf shine.

  20xx in February to the first ten days of the father from the outside to buy back a fragrant and beautiful violet, I love her very much for her watering every day, with her telling stories every day. Once, mom and dad are not at home, I was given to violet watering, a cold wind blowing, cold I straight long winded, huh? No, violet. Why don't you want to?" The question suddenly came out of one's mind. I gathered in front of the violets and sniffed carefully. "Not really. He won't be ill, will he?"" At this point, I was worried and worried. "Ah!"!" I immediately had an idea. "I can spray my mother's perfume on the flowers. Oh, I'm so smart!"!" I hurried to my bedroom, took my mother's perfume and sprayed it on the flower. "Ding Dong, Ding Dong" Mom: I think back, ha ha, I was ready to put my masterpiece to tell mom, let her take praise me! Unexpectedly, the mother listened, smiled and said: "silly boy, you do so, they will die!" At first, I was on my mother's words but second days, half believe and half doubt, flowers really began to turn yellow, then I could not touch the perfume, because by that event, I think the perfume is a devil.

  Childhood is the best memory of life, everyone will have their own good memories. My childhood anecdotes

  Childhood like a boat, carrying our childhood joys and sorrows, slowly flowing in the clear river water. Childhood is like a large vineyard, the grape is our childhood childhood story, hanging on the shelf shine.


  There are as many interesting stories in my childhood as the stars at night, but one of them is still fresh in my memory.

  That day, my mother took me to my grandmother's home to play. When I got to my grandma's house and got off the bus, I could hardly wait to run to the open space of my grandmother's house. At this moment, a strange noise was heard in the grass, and a green Mantis was seen in the grass. A thought flashed through my mind: I'm going to grab it. So I found a stick and drove it out of the grass. Then, I waved it to him with a stick, but it was so easy for me to jump over and jump over me, and I fell to the ground without notice. "You can't just give up."!" I silently encouraged myself in the bottom of my heart, and then I got up and threw it again. It was easily escaped again. I once again fall on the ground, the two times of failure, the lesson: not storm, only to outsmart. Back to grandma's house, in the living room, I saw a jar, a stratagem comes to mind. By the way, I can catch the mantis with a jar!

  Say, do, do, I hold the jar, carefully hide behind the pillar, waiting for the opportunity. Waiting for the mantis to relax his vigilance, I threw it at him, but still escaped it. In several rounds of battle, it was captured me. Then, I tied a string on its foot, ha ha, it was my pet. At this time, a man with his pet dog through grandma's house, is imposing. I think I might as well set a precedent for "praying mantis"! But it refused to go with me, but in desperation I had to drag it along and drag it along. When I realized the situation was wrong, I found that it had already broken the rope and escaped.

  It's interesting to catch Mantis this time!


  Like many children, I had a happy childhood under the care and love of my parents. My mother took me to the kindergarten and home every day. I thought mother was so kind and healthy that she would never get one day, my father went to the kindergarten to get me back. I asked, Why doesn't my mother e?She is sick, and she is in hospital. said Father.

  I felt sad and frightened. Then I began to cry. Don't cry or mother would worry. You should be a good child. I seemed to understand my mother was too tired. I made up my mind I would look after my mother from then mother always thinks that I'm not an ordinary child. My hometown is in the southwest of China. It's a coastal city and it never snows.

  I was born on November 10, on that day, in my hometown snowed all day. When my parents took me home, the snow stopped. My mother said, “It was a magic”.Whether or not I'm an ordinary child, I will create an extraordinary life for I was three years old, it was my life's first disaster. In my hometown, citizens almost go to the beach every day.

  One day, my parents took me and my sister to the beach. My mother and me stood on the beach and saw my father and sister I was very naughty and I let go of mum's hand. When the sea surge over, I fell into the sea. But I was lucky, my mother found me just in time. They all felt think naughty is themotto of every child. When I was five years old. My father sent me to school by cycling.

  And I was so naughty that I put my leg in to the rear wheel of the bicycle, and I fell down. My right arm broken. When I was sent to the hospital I was very afraid, I was afraid that I would die. I was afraid that the surgery would be painful. At that time I regretted my bad behaviour.



  My childhood has so many memories, every memory is like a pearl. I'll share one of them now.


  I remember it was a sunny afternoon. I went out with my brother and sister. Suddenly, a green watermelon jumped into the eye. The soft sunlight shone on the watermelon and made it more attractive by flickering bright spots. Though it is immersed in the river, it still flows through the mouth. Almost on the move, but can think of grandpa grandpa's fiery temper on the back.


  But this time our appetite prevailed and we talked about it and decided to carry it out. My brother and sister ran into the mud. We two sisters you, and I put my brother covered with mud, my brother has become a “ loach ”.


  He jumped on the watermelon, creeping forward, earnest to pick watermelon … … after a while, my brother found a big watermelon, broke the vine, thrown to the sister, sister and handed it to me. I was careless and did not go on. “ splash ” a watermelon fell into the river, leaving only splash. Grandpa cow came out of the house. Brother rushed back to the river, we help him clean the silt, frightened to hide on the other side of the river a jujube tree. Occasionally they sent me to spy it out. Finally, to the evening, cattle grandpa gave up, back to the hut. We seized the chance and brought home two big watermelons.


  How memorable childhood fun is!


  A happy childhood is like a rainbow after a rain. It is so colorful and so many interesting things that have been done, just like a few bright stars twinkling in the sky of childhood. Occasionally a self or other person raises a laugh. Let me tell you something that was very interesting when I was young.

  It is just after the five birthday of a summer, my mother gave me a red balloon, with a picture of Sun Wukong clouds. As long as you gently throw it into the sky, it will float gently into the air and then fall, very interesting. I always show off it in front of the child. One day, just after the heavy rain, my yard has many small pool, I saw the rain stopped, went to the courtyard to throw balloons. The balloon was spinning in the air. As I chased it, I shouted, "it's fun!"! How nice!" Suddenly the balloon landed in a small pool. I ran over and picked it up. Unfortunately, it was covered with mud. What shall I do?! I was so smart that I remembered that I had stained my handkerchief last time. My mother took her handkerchief to the fire. Why don't I have a roast with the fire? Roast the muddy water with fire. But my mother bakes her handkerchief. It's winter. What's the big stove in the summer? When I think of my mother's fire, I always use some paper with fire. So I got the paper, too. I took the balloon into the room, got a match, lit the paper, and quickly put the muddy balloon near the fire. Suddenly, a "pop" balloon exploded. I was so frightened that I couldn't help jumping. The beautiful balloon suddenly became a fragment. When I sober up, my tears can not help but flow out......

  Until now, every time I think of it, I have to laugh at.


  In my heart, pretend to buy a lot of childhood fun. They are like the stars in the sky, and they are countless. But one of the brightest stars shines in my childhood. Let me take the stars for you!

  It was 8 years ago during the summer vacation when my mother and I went back to the countryside to visit our older grandmother. In my early childhood, I didn't go to visit my grandma, but I went to play with my cousin of the same size.

  One day, grandma and uncle and aunt were going to go to the ground. Mother was afraid that grandma was tired, so she went with them. Now, I play with my cousin at home. But my cousin broke the vase of her grandmother without care. We all knew that the vase was in the hands of grandma, afraid of falling. It was a baby whose mouth was afraid of turning! Grandma placed us first, and the vase was second! But my cousin broke it!

  Cousin stupefied for a while, turn round to say to me: "younger sister, I am usually good to you?"! You must do this' blame 'Oh brother! If the back is good, this pot, I'll buy you some candy. OK?" I have a candy, no matter what I do, not just a scapegoat! My strength is so great that I can do it. In this way, I readily promised the helpless cousin.

  To other things to do, I quickly went to the storage room with a long rope, ran to the kitchen to grandma cooking large blame, tied to the back, ran out. Unfortunately, mother, grandmother, uncle, aunt came back, my mother saw me so hurriedly asked me what happened, I also in detail and mother said the whole thing. This grandma and I have them uproarious, know only one second, don't know what are they laughing. Grandma was lost in laughter as if she had forgotten the vase. This makes the cousin has been unable to lift up.

  This is the brightest star in my heart! I'm sure you have some interesting moments like this!









